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Help Us Support the Make a Change Foundation and Hand in Hand Kids this Holiday Season with The Giving Tree

The holiday season is here! Once again we are proudly partnering with the Make a Change Foundation and Hand in Hand Kids to brighten the holidays of children transitioning out of neglectful homes and into the foster care system.

Together we can make a difference for children in need, crisis, or transitioning into foster care. These are children that have never known a “normal” family life; what they have known is abuse, poverty, and a lack of love and security. Children are resilient but they need to know that they matter, people care about them, and life is going to get better.

If you would like to participate, visit any Elle Marie Hair Studio location to select a tag from the Giving Tree featuring the child you want to provide a gift for. Please return your new, unwrapped gifts along with the tag to the salon no later than December 7th.

If you don’t have time to shop, monetary donations are always welcome and the Make a Change Foundation will do the shopping for you!

Click Here for more information on the Make a Change Foundation.
Click Here for more information on Hand in Hand Kids.